Fréderic Blaimont

Through his characters, Fréderic Blaimont translates real life in a tender yet uncompromising manner. What one notices at first sight is the banality of his subjects. Something unusual happens, the solitude of his characters is particularly present. His painting is a mixture of benevolence and wickedness. Sometimes unpleasant with his characters he nonetheless paints them with gentleness and attention.
Ordinary passers-by, anonymous, transparent like the air we breathe, are pretexts to seize the chatter of these tiny heroes. If we listen, they tell us their passed, their hopes and their fears, one may recognize some of them.
Fréderic Blaimont is extraordinarily contemporary in what is commonly called ” scènes de genre “, in the spirit of Georges de la Tour, the Le Nain brothers, Hopper and many others … – Isabelle Peaudecerf